As summer begins, and especially as we prepare for the new year, and the weather is warm, many of us make personal promises in hopes of becoming the healthiest versions of ourselves.
Deciding what to eat is one of the most important decisions we as individuals can make. To honour the body with what makes us feel good…. you can’t control everything in life, but the simple act of making more nourishing food choices, gives us greater control over our energy, vitality and quality of life.
Of course, sometimes we want to eat whatever looks delicious, despite being good for us or not, and that’s ok…sometimes, but the better we are to ourselves, the better we feel and look, and choosing food wisely and moving your body on a daily basis is incredibly empowering, rewarding and uplifting.
Small consistent changes add up and create big changes eventually, allowing yourself space to make fitness and nutrition a priority by incorporating new healthy lifestyle habits that reshape your life and the way you feel both inside and out.
The ultimate key depends upon your decision to make the change and then your courage, discipline and motivation to stick to your personal promise and follow through. Know that you can change your life at any moment... all it requires is the decision to change course.
For me, there are many little things I do everyday that keep me grounded, helping me feel my best… my mental state is fully connected to my physical activity, and how I nourish myself – if I don’t get that workout in or prepare my meals… I simply don't feel ready for the world, and educating others live a more vibrant lifestyle solidifies my own personal commitment to finding balance in my own routine.
We all get caught up in the holiday and happenings. Holidays are a time for many of us to celebrate, and remind people of your love and their worth, to indulge and sparkle, but if you are like me.... getting your mind right, body right... and everything in-between means you still have to have that time for YOU.
So come join me on the mat as we #movetogether and find some space, some stillness and some peace amongst the crazy, it’s a great place to start.
All you need is two things. Your feet on your mat... and me!
- Kate Lillian Burford -